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Lore Wormsbächer
Diabetes Dietitian

I help women with Type 2 Diabetes heal their relationship with food so that they can lower their blood sugar without giving up their favourite foods. 

Lore Profile Picture Colour

I help women that are stuck in a constant yo-yo dieting-cycle and emotional overeating, who want to heal their relationship with food and improve their diet, so that they can lower their blood sugar and enjoy all food again while nourishing their bodies in a healthy way without losing control.

Instead of giving my clients another generic meal plan or diet to follow, I help them to uncover the underlying triggers of their emotional eating, empowering them to ditch diets for good and consistently nourish their bodies in a sustainable way.

Work with me if you:

- feel like you are constantly thinking negatively about food, and want food-thoughts to stop ruling your life
- want to lower your blood sugars and HbA1c
- feel like you can't stop overeating, especially your favourite foods like ice cream or cake
- want to feel calm and in control around foods
- want to feel comfortable in your body and improve your body image
- want to be able to eat a healthy diet and sustain this long-term
- are ready to do things differently and are open to a unique coaching approach
- want to have more energy

I look forward to joining you on this journey to better blood sugar!

Snack Food

About Me

My name is Lore (pronounced Laura)

I am from Namibia but have lived in the UK since 2019. I have been working as a Dietitian since 2010 and enjoy helping people feel better about their food choices and guiding them in making sense of all the mixed messages about diet we are bombarded with every day - whether that's online or hearing it from friends and family. In my spare time, my dog Raphael and I go on long walks together. I also love to read and meeting up with friends for a coffee. I look forward to working with you!

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image by markus spiske unsplash balance

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate"

- Carl Jung

Appointments and Pricing

Just click the button below and it will take you to Practice Better (opens another window) 

Any questions -
send me a message!

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